
Mart Noorma’s lecture “ESTCube-1 – Eesti kui kosmoseriik”

November 24, 2014
7 pm
Tartu College, 310 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1W4

On Monday, November 24th, 2014, 7 pm at Tartu College lecture is given by Mart Noorma on the topic ESTCube-1 – Eesti kui kosmoseriik.

Associate Professor Mart Noorma is the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tartu and the Head of Space Technology Department at Tartu Observatory. He has BSc in Physics from the University of Tartu (2000) and both MSc and DSc in Technology from Aalto University (2005). Mart Noorma has worked in the field of optical testing and calibration at AS Metrosert, Aalto University and the US National Institute for Standards and Technology. In 2008, he initiated the Estonian Student Satellite Program for boosting science and engineering education in Estonia. As the first major result of the program, ESTCube-1, the first spacecraft made in Estonia, was launched on May 7th, 2013. For his achievements, Mart Noorma has received many awards including Person of the Year 2013 by Estonian daily Postimees, President of the Republic’s Educational Award, Estonian Science Popularization Award etc.

In Estonian.

No admission fee. A small donation to VEMU would be appreciated.

Info: jkivimae@chass.utoronto.ca

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