
Exhibit “My Many Lives. Being an Estonian in Multicultural Canada”

March 1, 2024 - April 30, 2024
Tartu College


In 2024, cultural diversity is celebrated in Estonia upon initiative from the Estonian Ministry of Culture – the unique qualities of communities and cultures which contribute to the cultural diversity of Estonia. The organization of the year’s events has been entrusted to the Integration Foundation. Everyone will work together in order to showcase and help bring cultural diversity to the forefront. There will be discovery and sharing, valuing and creation, preservation and enrichment of the cultural idiosyncrasies of communities and cultures through everything that unites people: starting from experiences and myths to creations and the future in day to day life and special occasions, in research projects and events. Cultural diversity is the face of our society, which we will all share next year, is what the leaders and organizers of the year declare.

As has been done before, VEMU Estonian Museum Canada is going to take on the Ministry of Culture’s invitation to participate in the thematic year. That’s why we organized the collection campaign, the result of which you can see in the exhibition. We thank all, who shared their (multi-)identity with us and captured the essence of multicultural Canada through photos, drawings or written musings! Through this, we have the chance to better understand ourselves and others, and create a sense of belonging and unity.